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Thank you for visiting our website. Here you can find out how to reduce energy and maintenance costs for your pump systems, and improve availability.
Continuous monitoring with MicroPM™ pump monitors fitted to every pump gives the most benefit.
The MicroPMs can interface with a single MicroStM™ Station Monitor in each pump station, to provide pump scheduling, local HMI, and easy connection to PLC/ SCADA
Remote monitoring services with monthly summaries can be provided.
Pump test services with portable units (P22) are also available. Blowers and hydro-turbines can be monitored similarly.
Please REGISTER to receive updates, and interesting and relevant case studies on a regular basis.

Rapidly identify excessive wear and other pump system problems.
See graphically if pumps are operating near the Best Efficiency Point (BEP) and within manufacturer’s Preferred Operating Range (POR), together with comparison with reference curves

A high temperature rise
B low flow cavitation
C low flow bearing and seal life
D reduced impeller life
E suction recirculation
F discharge recirculation
G low bearing and seal life
H cavitation
Curve 1 pump curve H(Q)
Curve 2 pump efficiency curve
Curve 3 reliability curve/MTBF
X flow in percent of flow at BEP
Y head in percent of head at BEP
Extract from ISO/ASME standard 14414-2015 (Pump System Energy Assessment)
© ISO and Standards Australia Limited. Copied by Robertson Technology with permission of ISA and Standards Australia under Licence 1611-c014.

All data is viewed and logged. Abbreviations:
T1 Suction temperature
T2 Discharge temperature
dT Differential temperature
P1 Suction pressure
P2 Discharge pressure
dP Differential pressure
Head Total Dynamic Head
Eff Pump Efficiency
Overall eff Overall (wire-to-water) Efficiency
Flow Flow rate
Power Electrical power to motor
Speed Motor shaft speed

Micro Station Monitor (MicroStM)